Ha Bridge Install

This is how I installed Ha Bridge on my laptop the “easy” way

  1. Download Ha Bridge Software
  2. Create a new folder on your desktop and move the downloaded .jar there (optional, I did this to keep files handy on desktop). You can even rename the downloaded compressed file to anything you like. I renamed mine “lights.jar”
  3. Download and install the latest version of Java
  4. Install Java
  5. Once Java is installed, go to the downloaded .jar compressed folder. In my case “lights.jar” right click on it and choose…”open with”  then choose “java.”  You will see a series of commands (terminal) going on (black screen with light letters). Give it a few minutes to configure
  6. Once java is done configuring .jar file, open any browser (except for IE) and type “localhost”  without the “”
  7. You should be able to see the HA Bridge interface on your browser.